Самарский университет создал сельскохозяйственную систему «свой-чужой»

Публикация в группе: Тем временем в России

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Russian specialists will have access to a system for identifying weeds. The development is being carried out by scientists from the Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). The unique system consists of a hyperspectral camera and a special neural network for plant recognition. It will be equipped with a sensor that, together with the spraying and control system, will allow weeds to be detected and removed immediately. At the same time, “useful plants” will not be affected, experts write in the IOP Earth and Environmental Science series of conferences. “We have obtained a system that will be able to solve a number of practical tasks, mainly in the context of precision agriculture,” said Roman Skidanov, professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics at Samara University. Scientists are also confident that the neural network with the hyperspectral camera can be used as the basis for computer vision systems for unmanned agricultural machines. In addition, the development should be integrated into UAVs for plant health checks and crop monitoring. “The economic effect can reach several hundred rubles per hectare of sown area,” Skidanov notes. Earlier it was reported that scientists from the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky (SGMU) proposed an effective method for combating obesity. This involves using electromagnetic technology to influence the brain’s regulatory processes.

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Сообщение Сельскохозяйственная система «свой-чужой» создана в Самарском университете. появились сначала на Russia today.

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